The App

What would it take for you to become a Six Figure Hairdresser? The truth is, if you really want to build your income to that level and are willing to approach your career with a new focus, you too can be making over $100,000 a year. That’s where the Six Figure Hairdresser program comes in.

The Six Figure Hairdresser model was designed by stylist Harry Wood to raise professional standards in the beauty industry while helping fellow stylists become more successful. From setting attainable goals to marketing yourself as a brand, the Six Figure Hairdresser model is designed for everyday use with a simple and straightforward structure that can help you build a rewarding career and achieve your financial dreams.

Flash Cards

Reinforce curriculum long after the class is over.

Rebooking Calendar

Easy projections of client’s rebooking date (in varying intervals) and keeping appointment calendars full.

Income Tracker

Track income based on actual work schedules and rates.

Goal Calculator

Plan, monitor and achieve financial goals by calculating how much to save and for how long.

The Six Figure Hairdresser application is now available for $.99 through the App Store.

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